The purpose of our student ministry is to help pre-teens and teens to seek out the lost and share Jesus Christ with them, so they can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and come into fellowship with the church. Finally, God will change the lives of our friends and family, and the world that we live in.
Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
To seek out the lost, so they may have the opportunity to find Jesus Christ and bring them into the church fellowship.
Vision Statement
To lose the life that is out of this world, and find the life in Christ that is pleasing to God.
Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.
1 Timothy 4:12

Regular Schedule of Events
Sunday Morning
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Evening
Small Group Bible Study
Every Small Group on Campus uses the Gospel Project as curriculum. We do this to help encourage you to continue to have conversations at home.
Corporate Worship
Corporate Worship is the most important part of who we are at Ascension Baptist Church. We encourage our students to be actively involved in Worship.
Sunday Evening
Creative Ministries
Creative Ministries gives students the opportunity to lead the church and share the Gospel through creative arts.
Student Worship
Student Worship is a time for students to worship God together and learn at a level best suited for them.
Fellowship (1st & 3rd Sunday)
During our Fellowship times, students eat together, play games, and enjoy Christian fellowship.
Wednesday Evening
Family Meal
Join us for dinner and fellowship. The cost is $5 per person or $20 max per family. Our goal for this meal is to make it easier for families to join us on Wednesday nights.
In-Depth Bible Study
During this time, Students will dig deeper into God's Word and have opportunities to ask questions and have answers provided.
Creative Ministries
Creative Ministries gives students the opportunity to lead the church and share the Gospel through creative arts.
Student Worship
Student Worship is a time for students to worship God together and learn at a level best suited for them.
Fellowship (1st & 3rd Sunday)
During our Fellowship times, students eat together, play games, and enjoy Christian fellowship.
Family Meal
Join us for dinner and fellowship. The cost is $5 per person or $20 max per family. Our goal for this meal is to make it easier for families to join us on Wednesday nights.
In-Depth Bible Study
During this time, Students will dig deeper into God's Word and have opportunities to ask questions and have answers provided.