Children's Ministry is Family Ministry and Family Ministry is Children's Ministry
Our desire is to impact the lives of children with the Word of God. Our hope through our children’s ministry is to engage the entire family into the life of the church. Our passion is to reach the family because we believe if you reach the parents then the entire family has a greater chance to follow Christ as Savior and Lord.
Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
To teach and train children in Biblical Truths, so they may have the opportunity to recognize their need for Jesus Christ and grow in their personal relationship with Him.
To create an environment of love and compassion for children to feel safe.
To create an environment of love and compassion for children to feel safe.
Vision Statement
To partner with and work alongside parents to impact the lives of children for Christ and show them the importance of a vibrant, active personal relationship with Him.
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Regular Schedule of Events
Sunday Morning
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Evening
Small Group Bible Study
Every Small Group on Campus uses the Gospel Project as curriculum. We do this to help encourage you to continue to have conversations at home.
Preschool Praise
Preschool Praise is designed for 18 month old through 4 years old. During the Corporate Worship Service, our Preschoolers learn the importance of who God is and how we can worship Him.
Children's Worship
Children's Church is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. They are dismissed during the Corporate Worship Service to go learn more about Spiritual Disciplines and worshiping God.
Sunday Evening
Mission Journey Kids
Missions is an important aspect of who we are, because of the great emphasis we have on Missions, we make sure to teach our children the importance of Missions and how they can be involved.
Wednesday Evening
Family Meal
Join us for dinner and fellowship. The cost is $5 per person or $20 max per family. Our goal for this meal is to make it easier for families to join us on Wednesday nights.
The Praise Factory
The Praise Factory is designed to teach Children (Birth through 5th Grade) 16 important truths about God. During this time, children have a Bible Study, Craft, and time of recreation.
Mission Journey Kids
Missions is an important aspect of who we are, because of the great emphasis we have on Missions, we make sure to teach our children the importance of Missions and how they can be involved.
Family Meal
Join us for dinner and fellowship. The cost is $5 per person or $20 max per family. Our goal for this meal is to make it easier for families to join us on Wednesday nights.
The Praise Factory
The Praise Factory is designed to teach Children (Birth through 5th Grade) 16 important truths about God. During this time, children have a Bible Study, Craft, and time of recreation.