Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
The Ascension College Movement exists to connect college students to the mission of Ascension Baptist by growing students into mature followers of Christ who are making more mature followers of Christ. We equip college students through partnering with local campus ministries & church-based small groups, 1x1 discipleship, local service projects, and summer mission opportunities. Our goal is that College students from the Ascension Baptist will be sent all over the world for His glory!!!
Vision Statement
Discover their Gospel Identity, involvement in whole Body of Christ, Mission of God, making disciples, servant leadership, wisdom in action, life calling.
Regular Schedule of Events
Sunday Morning
Wednesday Evening
Small Group Bible Study
Every Small Group on Campus uses the Gospel Project as curriculum. We do this to help encourage you to continue to have conversations at home.
Corporate Worship
Corporate Worship is the most important part of who we are at Ascension Baptist Church. We encourage our college students to be actively involved in and serve during Worship.
Wednesday Evening
Family Meal
Join us for dinner and fellowship. The cost is $5 per person or $20 max per family. Our goal for this meal is to make it easier for families to join us on Wednesday nights.
In-Depth Bible Study
During this time, college students will dig deeper into God's Word and have opportunities to ask questions and have answers provided.
Family Meal
Join us for dinner and fellowship. The cost is $5 per person or $20 max per family. Our goal for this meal is to make it easier for families to join us on Wednesday nights.
In-Depth Bible Study
During this time, college students will dig deeper into God's Word and have opportunities to ask questions and have answers provided.